The Healthy Power Alliance Podcast

On the Healthy Power Alliance podcast, we’re exploring what it means to be powerful together, and how human power – particularly the power to thrive in organisations and communities – can benefit other humans and the planet we depend on. We speak with the people who are already doing it, the people who know how to do it, and the people who are doing the in-depth academic studies of what really works (and doesn’t).

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Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

Matt Scott is Chief Exec at Thames Life, in London, but sometimes describes himself simply as a community worker. He talks to host Pete Burden about his experiences of power.
Matt on LinkedIn
Pete on LinkedIn

Monday Aug 26, 2024

Suhair Fakhoury is a coach and an artist. She speaks to host John Buck about being in the process of Healthy Power, and especially the experience of connection.
Suhair on LinkedIn
John on LinkedIn

Saturday Aug 10, 2024

Daniel Thornton works in global health and education, and talks to host Pete Burden about his experiences growing Healthy Power.
Daniel on LinkedIn
Pete on LinkedIn

Friday Jul 26, 2024

Shani Newbold talks to host Pete Burden about Healthy Power, and leadership.
Shani is the founder of Cadence Partners and uses her energy to address inequality through fairer and more transparent executive recruitment processes.

Thursday Jul 04, 2024

Polly Robbins talks to host Pete Burden about Healthy Power in worker co-ops and flatter hierarchy organisations.
Polly is a community builder focused on social impact, a Director-Member at Outlandish and Founder-Manager of SPACE4.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Roy Trivedy talks to host Pete Burden about his experiences of Healthy Power, while working in the United Nations and several third-sector organisations.
Roy has been in international development for more than 30 years.

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Stephanie Rochford, one of the Directors at Publish What You Pay (PWYP), talks to host Pete Burden about her experiences of Healthy Power in a global network of organisations.
“Publish What You Pay is a group of civil society organizations that advocates for financial transparency in the extractive industry” (Wikipedia).
Steph - LinkedIn

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Zak Mensah, co-Chief Executive Officer of Birmingham Museum Trust talks to host Pete Burden about his experiences of bringing Healthy Power to BMT - the largest independent charitable trust of museums in the United Kingdom.
Zak - LinkedIn
Pete - LinkedIn


Healthy Power Alliance

Every problem we have is a problem with human power. 

We are an alliance birthing a future in which healthy power is the norm in most organisations and communities worldwide.

What is healthy power?  Growing my happiness and influence in a way that helps others grow theirs, and that is good for the planet we all depend on.

We know we don’t have all the answers. So we're bringing people together to co-create this Alliance.

This podcast is part of that work. We're interviewing people who are already doing it, who have ideas about how to do it, and academics studying what works (and what doesn't).

If you'd like to know more please get in touch. You can contact the Healthy Power Alliance via A Fairer Society at (for now).


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